
Instrument Rating for Single- and Multi-Engine aircraft

The aim of the CBM IR(A) course is to train PPL or CPL holders for the IR(A) in a competency based, modular way. The course is at least 10 hours less than the traditional IR and consequently cheaper, it culminates in exactly the same test as a traditional IR and is indistinguishable on your licence. The really key benefit is that prior instrument flight instruction and experience is taken into consideration although a minimum of 10 hours is required with us.  We are EASA regulated so our course is valid for EASA and also UK CAA licences.

In days of Airline job shortages, not achieving a first time pass or requiring further training before test, was career limiting. With a CBIR you have the flexibility to keep training until ready for test without such a black mark being attached.

On completing the course, you will have a full IR with all the privileges that provides and be able to use your aircraft as a proper business tool.

Moreover, with only 5 hours of additional training you can get Multi-Engine IR rating, which is a great deal providing your with more capabilities.

General requirements

The course prerequisites are:

  • Be the holder of a PPL(A) or CPL(A)

Before applying for the test:

  • Be the holder of a PPL(A) or CPL(A) including an appropriate medical certificate and class/type rating for the IR(A) sought e.g. MEP class rating for a ME IR,
  • Have completed and approved ground-school course for the IR(A)
  • Passed the theoretical knowledge examinations in accordance with FCL.615,
  • The instrument flight instruction and the IR(A) skill test shall be completed within the period of validity (36 months) of the pass of the theoretical knowledge examinations in accordance with FCL.025.

PPL IR Ground-school

Traditionally private pilots would go to the USA and get a FAA IR and fly N registered aircraft in the UK because the FAA ground-school was so much easier. EASA recognised this and have provided a PPL IR route which is similar to the FAA IR. The flying element is identical but you can choose to do the much easier “PPL IR” theory exams. The caveat is that with these easier exams you are not permitted to use the IR commercially.

Commercial IR Ground-school

The IR exams are included as part of the ATPL Ground-school.  If you have only completed the CPL Ground-school you will need the following exams:

There are 7 subjects in a full IR/ CBIR although you may be exempt three subjects (see ‘exemptions’ below):

  • Aircraft General Knowledge – Instrumentation
  • Meteorology
  • Human Performance
  • Radio Navigation
  • Flight Planning and Flight Monitoring
  • Air Law
  • Communications.  You will need to sit only the IFR Communications exam.


If you already have a CPL, you are exempt from Meteorology, Human Performance and Communications



£ 11,850 or £ 19,550

£13,450 or £21,350 for SE and ME under EASA training.

Based on 40 hrs of flight training for CBM IR and 45 hrs for ME IR,
excludes landing fees or any approach fees.

If you have previous IMC experience the 40/45 hours cap may be reduced, thus price also will be reduced.

Price breakdown

ME-IR £19,550 CAA/ £21,350 EASA

  • 30hr PA28 £8,400
  • 15hr C310 £10,500
  • 10hr Ground School £650


  • £20 per sortie landing fee (SE)
  • £25 per sortie landing fee (ME)


SE-IR from £11,850 CAA/£13,450 EASA

  • 40hr PA28 £11,200 or 40hr C177 £11,600
  • 10hr Ground School £650


  • £20 per sortie landing fee (SE)
  • £25 per sortie landing fee (ME)

In order to asses your qualifications and prepare the best training router, a mandatory assessment flight will be organised before start of training, priced at £275.



Instrument time for multi-engine



Instrument time under instruction



May be completed in FNPT 1

Remarks & Exceptions

  • When the candidate has completed instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the privilege to provide training for the IR or prior experience of instrument flight time as PIC on aeroplanes, under a rating providing the privileges to fly under IFR and in IMC, these hours may be credited towards the 40 hours above up to maximum of 30 hours,
  • When the candidate has prior instrument flight time under instruction other than specified in (a)(i), these hours may be credited towards the required 40 hours up to a maximum of 15 hours,
  • In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight time under instruction in an aeroplane at an ATO,
  • The total amount of dual instrument instruction shall not be less than 25 hours.
  • In case of Multi-Engine the timing consists of 45 hours of instrument flight time under instruction, which may be reduced based on pilot’s experience.

The course is delivered in our state-of-art Cessna 177 RG Cardinal or Piper PA-28-181 Archer III aircraft.

Multi-engine part is flown in our magnificent Cessna 310R aircraft.

These are the best aircraft for such training, which will challenge you initially, but once mastered will give a lot of pleasure during training and flying.

Theoretical training & examination

An approved competency-based modular IR(A) course shall comprise at least 80 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction. The theoretical knowledge course may contain computer-based training and e-learning elements. A minimum amount of classroom teaching as required by ORA.ATO.305 has to be provided (not be less than 10% of the total duration of the course).

After completion of course, you must pass the following theoretical knowledge examinations:

  • Air Law
  • Aircraft General Knowledge – Instrumentation
  • Flight Planning and Monitoring
  • Human Performance
  • Meteorology
  • Radio Navigation
  • Communications

A pass in a theoretical knowledge examination paper will be awarded to a candidate achieving at least 75% of the marks allocated to that paper. There is no penalty marking.

After successful completion of the theoretical knowledge examinations they will be valid for the issue of a IR(A) for a period of 36 months.

More information


How long is CBM IR valid?

12 months

Do I need to hold MEP rating?

No, you can do it with us during or before your ME IR course.

What are revalidation rules?

An IR(A) shall be revalidated within the 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the rating.

If candidates choose to fullfil the revalidation requirements earlier than prescribed above, the new validity period shall commence from the date of the IR(A) proficiency check extended to the end of the month plus rating validity period.

Hold the relevant class or type rating, unless the IR(A) revalidation is combined with the renewal/revalidation of the relevant class or type rating.

Candidates who fail to pass the IR(A) proficiency check before the expiry date of the IR shall not exercise the IR(A) privileges until they have passed the IR(A) proficiency check.

An FNPT II or full flight simulator representing the relevant class or type of aeroplane may be used to revalidate an IR(A) as a stand-alone event, i.e. when not combined with a class or type rating.

At least each alternate IR(A) proficiency check shall be performed in an aeroplane.

An IR(A) may be revalidated as part of a combined type rating skill test or proficiency check in an appropriately qualified full flight simulator.

An IR may be revalidated as part of a combined class rating skill test or proficiency check in an aeroplane.

What are renewal rules?

If an IR has expired, in order to renew their privileges candidates shall:

  • go through refresher training at an ATO to reach the level of proficiency needed to pass the instrument element of the skill test in accordance with Appendix 9 to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011,
  • complete a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, in the relevant aircraft category,
  • hold the relevant class or type rating, unless the IR renewal is combined with the renewal of the relevant class or type rating.

An IR may be renewed as part of a combined type rating skill test or proficiency check in an appropriately qualified full flight simulator.

An IR may be renewed as part of a combined class rating skill test or proficiency check in an aeroplane.

What is 7 Year Expiry Period?

If the IR has not been revalidated or renewed within the preceding 7 years, the holder will be required to pass again the IR theoretical knowledge examination and skill test. The 7 year period commences from the date the IR expired.

What are CBM IR holder's privileges?

The privileges of a holder of an IR(A) are to fly aircraft under IFR, including PBN operations, with a minimum decision height of no less than 200 feet (60 m).

Holders of an IR(A) shall exercise their privileges in accordance with the conditions established in Appendix 8 to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.

What are legal basis for information?

CAP 413 Radiotelephony Manual
Air Navigation Order (ANO) CAP 393
CAP 804
UK CAA Standards Documents 1, 7
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, AMC and GM

Fly with us

Book your CBM IR or ME IR course

Look no further and book your Competency-Based Modular Instrument Rating or Multi-Engine IR course with best qualified instructors at British Aerobatic Academy.